
The Little Friends Nursery is an all-day nursery that offers care and education for children as a supplement to the care provided at home.

We look after children aged from three months up to and including the pre-school stage.

About the Little Friends Nursery

Our qualified and experienced staff deal respectfully and lovingly with the children. We hold regular meetings to review our teaching methods. We provide regular ongoing training for our carers so that we can offer professional childcare as a supplement to the care provided by the family.

The philosophy of the nursery 

We focus on the child's own unique nature. We support the child as it travels alongs its own individual path of development. We support the child's own activity and the autonomous development of its motor skills in order that it can evolve. 

We encourage the child's social behaviour, creativity and imagination, and the development and use of language. Free play allows the child to develop self-confidence, dexterity and persistence, and it appreciates its own abilities. 

Special featurel 

English as a second language 

Children's books and songs in English offer the children the opportunity to learn a second language through play. 

Our daily routine

We place a high value on settling children carefully into their group. The caregiver and the group give the child a sense of security and stability. Regular routines, rules and rituals lend the day a clear structure . 

This, together with a relaxed, secure and well-prepared environment, provides the basis for lively learning . 

The daily routine is oriented to the needs of the children and is designed individually and flexibly. Eating, sleeping and playing all happen in step with the child's normal timetables. 

The caregiving team create a pleasant atmosphere and happy experiences so that the children feel good. They gain varied experiences while enjoying the necessary freedom for personal development and experience through individual care and group activities. The focus is on the overall development of the child . 

Kind mit bemalten Händen - Kinderkrippe Little Friends